Today, our telehealth team continued to work together to see patients in Guatemala.
From Shawnda, one of our faithful team members, working from Utah:
“I have heard a lot, and thought it myself, 2020 is the worst. It definitely has been a time a change. That really goes for working with this team. Going to Guatemala every year has been a highlight for me. I love the country and I love working with the people. I even love getting to practice my Spanish, which I hear is improving, but Peter, the translator, may just be kind! This July has been bittersweet. I am home in Salt Lake and not in Guatemala but I still get to interact with the people.
I have seen God move in more ways over the last few months. There were many times I didn’t think this could happen at all. One by one, though, the details have been worked out. I had never used WhatsApp before this week. While I have helped with telehealth visits at work, I have never seen a clinical visit take place over Zoom before. There have been many challenges, but I have seen an amazing group of people come together to make a difficult situation work. I have seen people so grateful to be able to get their prescription refills.. people who had been so worried about how they would get their medications or if anyone even cared about them. I’ve have been able to see those medications filled for another 6 months and we have been able to share our care and concern over the miles.
No, this is not the trip I would have wanted but I’m still able to make a difference. I’m able to work with a team of amazing people who are also friends. I’m still able to show others that there are caring people and they aren’t forgotten. I’ve seen God’s love at work. I hope I have been able to show that love to others as well. While I don’t know what will happen in 6 months when we are due to go back, I know God has a plan.”
Thank you all for your willingness to serve! Even in a pandemic God has ways to bring us together and that has been beautiful to see. Praying for you all as things look and feel different and for whatever challenges you are facing! Sending you all lots of love!