From Jackie:
Betsy, who is the founder and director of Jericho Ministries, told her story today and it was A-mazing! She is SO inspiring in her Faith and Trust in what God is doing. She had so many stories of how God has showed up and how her struggles turn into opportunities to share Jesus and people come to the Lord thru it! She has challenged me to get back to fasting more and praying thru spiritual warfare.
Also, Erin gave the Bible lesson today and the passage she felt God had given her, 2 Chronicles 20, is the exact passage I felt God had given me at Christmas time and I have been camped on for the last 6 months… it brought me to tears to realize how God has orchestrated all of our lives on this team for this moment of time in Honduras and how He has so many things to teach us even when we think we are coming to teach and help others in need! What a privilege to be here!
From Madison:
Today was filled with lots of stories and playing different games with the children of Jericho. We were able to listen to Betsy’s stories of her life and how Jericho came together. Something that stuck out to me from all of the storytelling was seeing how God worked through all the trials in her life and all the trials of the ministry. She also spoke of how she was able to lean on God, memorize scripture, recall God’s different callings, etc, and this was very inspiring to me. A church service was also organized today with a wonderful message from Erin and lots of worship for Jesus. The rest of the day consisted of playing outside with the children. There was frisbee throwing, volleyball, jump rope, soccer, and bubbles. We had a great night with the kids as well, playing board games and got the opportunity to listen to one of the boys share a testimony. It’s so cool to see how these young kids are able to seek God even in the midst of their struggles. I loved witnessing everything today.
Editorial from Joani:
The boy who shared was Caleb. He was playing soccer earlier, got angry and kicked another child. One of the leaders said that he needed to go have a time out and read his Bible and find a word from the Lord to help him change. He went and opened up to Proverbs chapter 17. He was convicted of the way he acted. He said he was sorry and he learned that the words he says and the actions he does can hurt.
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