When people say “God’s timing is perfect,” they probably aren’t referring to stories like this one; but here goes …
When it came time to make a decision whether to join the Guatemala team, one of my hesitations — and I’m not proud to admit this — came when I realized we would be here on the final days of the World Cup. Compared to most Americans, I am a huge soccer fan — and for a soccer fan, there is nothing bigger than the World Cup.
We were 35,000 feet in the air, somewhere between SLC and DFW, when the semifinal match between England and Croatia kicked off Wednesday but I was able to catch the second half during our wait to change planes. But I wasn’t sure how I was gonna be able to watch the final today between Croatia and France — kickoff was at 9 a.m. As in 9 a.m. on a Sunday. As. In 9 a.m. on a Sunday during a mission trip with friends from church.
I considered asking Luka Modric and Paul Pogba to pray for me before remembering they had concerns of their own today. But then I found out the church here had two services: the first at 8:30; the second at 10:30. And a plan began to emerge …
So it was I was sitting in the back of the Iglesias Galilea, positioned strategically close to the only exit, when the worship set started for the first service. It’s amazing how little Spanish one needs to know to join in worship; hearts united in praise create harmonies that transcend words. And it’s amazing how easy it was to slip out that door at 8:50.
I walked down the street, found a café, and had a mocha in front of me as the match kicked off. There were 20-25 of us watching, intensity matched only by camaraderie. If you’re an American wanting to find acceptance in another country, sit down and watch a soccer match with locals.
Croatia clearly was the better team in the first half, but France emerged with a 2-1 lead. And when the French added two goals early in second half, I headed back up the street, confident I’d be back in time for not only for Pastor Tono’s sermon but to join my teammates for a second chance at some of the worship songs.
Halfway up the street, though, where a TV was blaring at a little shop selling shoes, I noticed Croatia had scored to cut the difference to 4-2. And there was still plenty of time to play. So I lingered for several minutes, stealing glances at the TV while exchanging smiles with the shopkeeper and a young couple buying Sketchers for their little boy.
I left with about 10 minutes to play and walked the final block to the church. I could hear the singing, but I also noticed the TV at a little pastry shop across the street. I watched the final few minutes of the match at the counter, where the owner and I agreed that while the French were “campeones de la Copa del Mundo,” the Croatians might actually have been the “mejor equipo,” the better team.
I went back across the street and slipped into a row of seats with my friends — just in time for the offering.
Spreading the love of God by connecting with people who share your passion for futbol. It’s what you do!
What a story Rick. Glad to hear you were able to catch the game and church.
Seems like Sunday came quick this year. Amazing pics. But Pam. How come your not in hardly any of them? Share that camera! You still have almost a whole week
Emma!!! You found toys!!! Look at you girl. I miss you and can’t wait to hear about your adventures. I’m praying for you and the whole team. I send my love your way and love reading about your trip
Hi Mom and Team,
So apparently there was a special sports game yesterday, who knew?
Mom, I more than survived the markets, I thrived due to God’s timing and blessing. So thankful for the two fellow Christians in our community who were such great and necessary help. Just wanted to pass on the news. Love you.
I love that God cares about us and our desires even in areas that don’t seem “spiritual.” Rick, I’m glad you were able to connect with local over sports and worship.
I am enjoying seeing all the prep for the festivals! I can’t wait to hear how God uses that time. Rachelle, we love and miss you! We are praying for you and the team. Lots of love from your family.
So glad you got to watch the match, connect with others, & attend service! What a morning you had & we’re glad it all worked out for you to do so! :)
And here’s another set of my favorite pictures of you all (let’s be honest here…I love all the pictures!) ….worshiping together with your Guatemalan friends. What an amazing thing it must to be in the midst of that!
I do love to see all of you working to prep for the festivals, as I try to figure out what you’re going to do with all of those items you brought with you!
Can’t wait to see how the ducks are used! (I do just love me some little duckies!)
Praying for more strength, wisdom, & the right words to say as you interact with the the people around you, both from Guatemala & within your team!
Sending many many hugs,
The Gibbon Family