Discipleship Resources, Domestic

Worldview and Christian living: www.coramdeo.com

(The Basics & Monday Church)

Coram Deo offers free video driven courses; “The Basics” course provides key insights into the robust nature of God’s grand narrative of redemptive history, where history is going, and the part Christians play in that story. Critical examination is done of what a Christian worldview is, and how easy it is to live in a compromised view of reality. Special attention is also given to the role we play in demonstrating God’s love outside the walls of the church. The “Monday Church” course examines the false sacred/secular divide and how Christians can live Kingdom culture in the marketplace.


Making disciples: www.pursuegod.org and pre-discipleship: www.flextalk.org

If you ask the average Christian if they are making disciples, they most likely will give you a blank stare. Most of us aren’t sure where to even start, or what it looks like to make disciples, yet that was the command of Jesus to his followers. Visit Pursuegod.org for helpful lessons on mentoring Christians younger in the faith than yourself, and Flextalk.org for ways to engage people in “pre-discipleship”. Many people actually become Christ followers DURING the process of discipleship, not prior to it.

Walking With The Poor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9-W_jz0QRw&t=1636s

Bryant Myers, Professor of Transformational Development at Fuller Seminary discusses the importance of relationships with the poor in seeking their flourishing, and issues the non-poor must grapple with regarding their own misconceptions.

The Poverty Of Nations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5T4yWdNzHM

Dr. Wayne Grudem discusses national poverty from a big picture Biblical and economic perspective.

Money, Greed & God:


Author Jay Richards discusses his book by this title and basic free market economics from a Christian perspective.

How to End Poverty in Ten Tough Steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XyJd4w5f1g

Author Jay Richards discusses the ten key ingredients for nations to rise out of poverty.

Theological learning: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/courses

Free online courses covering a host of topics including theology, history and Christian living

Discipleship Resources, International

Truth Centered Transformation: www.tctprogram.org

Free materials that God has used to lift communities out of poverty across Asia and Africa. Become a website member to download all manuals and watch orientation videos. This resource is meant to be introduced, and then through training, facilitated by locals in churches as they show God’s love to their communities and overcome cultural lies.

CHE, Christ Centered Community Development: https://www.chenetwork.org/index.php

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a Christ-centered educational program that is being used by hundreds of Christian churches and organizations across the globe. CHE equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs. There are hundreds of CHE lessons available to practioners.

Chalmers Center Savings Group Training:


Resources to help facilitate training for savings groups within church communities overseas.

Amo: Nurturing The Child’s Heart For God: http://www.amoprogram.com/

The AMO® Program is both an enriched curriculum for children and Christian worldview courses for the adults who disciple them. Great for Sunday School curriculum and children’s ministry.

Footings: Worldview Training For Children: http://www.disciplenations.org/?s=footings&post_type=paper

Footings for Children is a curriculum development resource for imparting a Biblical worldview to children so they can thrive. It is designed to be adapted and applied in any cultural context, including situations where teaching aids are limited. This link provides reader (in multiple languages) and non-reader versions.

Recommended Reading

Walking With The Poor by Bryant Myers

Discipling Nations by Darrow Miller

Truth And Transformation by Vishal Mangalwadi

If Jesus Were Mayor by Bob Moffitt

For The Least Of These edited by Anne Bradley and Art Lindley

Helping Without Hurting In Short Term Missions by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

Compassion And The Mission Of God by Rupen Das

From Dependence To Dignity by Brian Fikkert & Russell Mask

The Poverty Of Nations by Wayne Grudem & Barry Asmus

The Victory Of Reason by Rodney Stark

Money, Greed & God by Jay Richards

Poor Economics by Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee

The Paradox Of Generosity by Christian Smith & Hilary Davidson

Restoring All Things by Warren Cole Smith & John Stonestreet

Foundations Of A Free & Virtuous Society by Dylan Pahman

African Friends And Money Matters by David Maranz

From Aid To Trade by Daniel Jean-Louis & Jacqueline Klamer

Kingdom Calling by Amy L. Sherman

On Kingdom Business by Tetsunao Yamamori & Kenneth A. Eldred

Business For Transformation by Patrick Lai

The Old Testament Template by Landa Cope

Neither Poverty Nor Riches by Craig Blomberg

The Unshakeable Kingdom And The Unchanging Person by E. Stanley Jones

Surprised By Hope by N.T Wright

The Suburban Christian by Albert Y. Hsu

Rethinking Social Justice by Darrow Miller

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