From Jamie:
As the week of clinic comes to an end I am filled with a mix of emotions and amazing experiences. This is my second trip with this amazing team to Guatemala and I was lucky enough to be able to bring along Adrienne, my 15 year old daughter. As a nurse I can see the value in providing much needed medical care to this community, no matter how small it may seem. From just being able to provide vitamins, to being able to treat and keep blood pressures and high blood sugars under control, and even being able to perform small procedures to improve quality of life. But for my daughter it was a whole different set of skills she was able to provide. She was able to put a smile on so many peoples faces, big and small, and share her beautiful spirit with this community. She has played with and comforted small children waiting for exams and procedures, and she has also got to comfort a mother of a boy her age with a serious health condition. We are here to treat and take care of these peoples health concerns, but sometimes the most important and meaningful thing we can do is listen and show genuine love. These moments have been the most touching and the ones I will keep with me forever. It’s amazing to see the love of everyone involved in making this clinic a success. Not only our amazing team from America, but also the teachers, the pastor’s and their families, the interpreters, and of course the beautiful people we are so lucky to be able to care for. I hope to be able to continue my work with this clinic, it has been an unforgettable and amazing experience. Much love to everyone on the team and everyone who has been following our journey. Until next time.
From Kristin:
Like Jamie, this is my second time on the July Guatemala medical trip. I had a great group of teenage girls to help with children’s ministry. Each girl’s talents shown bright as they enthusiastically jumped rope, played tag, blew bubbles, colored, painted and played play-doh for 8 hours a day in the heat and sometimes pouring rain. They were even given the opportunity to teach the kids about dental hygiene with toothbrush training and applying fluoride. We saw 520 patients in the 4 ½ clinic days. This was less than in the past but great news because of these clinics the people are feeling healthier and don’t have as many medical needs. It’s wonderful to see how much the children have grown in the last 12 months with the medical/dental care from the clinic alongside with the great care and nutrition they receive from the school programs. I have really enjoyed being able to come on the medical trips and see the genuine love and care that Pastor Ezdras and his wife Brenda have for the people in their community.
You do so much good! Happy that your trip was so successful and happy you are coming home!
Wow, such incredible service and love your team gave!