MVF-PKS Honduras 20182018-06-22T22:40:57-06:00


With their trip post-poned from the beginning of 2018, Mountain View and Parkside churches will be looking to return to Nueva Florida, Honduras in continuation of the partnership with Cristo Centro Peñasquitos and its pastor, Mario Jimenez, in 2019.
1710, 2024

Leadership & Fun

October 17th, 2024|1 Comment

After a long day yesterday, ending in an intense game of soccer with everyone, it was nice to get a chance to get away from the business of the church and have a leadership conference for the adults and teenagers. Alex started the meeting with informing the church that the vision for the next few years is to create a trade school for the youth when they get too old for the program at

1510, 2024

Praying with Global Neighbors

October 15th, 2024|2 Comments

This post by JanellOur morning discussion theme was unity, how the Spirit brings unity among believers from different backgrounds and nations, and how this draws people to Jesus. Pastor Shane reminded us of the value of praying aloud with others, not being afraid to ask, “Can I pray with you?” (rather than for you) This was a good challenge for me, because I usually reach out to people in prayer, but I had only been

1410, 2024

Sharing God’s Love

October 14th, 2024|2 Comments

This post by Jenn While we have been here in Honduras we have been having daily devotions in the morning. This morning our study was on service. As we went out today with the thoughts and scriptures of service on our hearts, I was looking around to see how I could serve and what I could contribute to the community and team. In the afternoon we went out into the local community in small

1310, 2024

United in Christ

October 13th, 2024|0 Comments

This post by Cassie Wow, what a beautiful day of being united in Christ! We started by being greeted by a large group of kids and their mothers. They were so excited to share with us everything they have been doing in their children’s church time. The presentation allowed for us to learn that they have been taking an hour each Sunday to do bible studies and learn and grow in Jesus, and then

1210, 2024

The Grandest Welcome

October 12th, 2024|2 Comments

This post by Keith When we first arrived and walked out of the airport, we found a large group of people. It surprised me to find that this large group of people was there to greet us! I never imagined that we would receive such a big and hospitable welcome. As we boarded the bus and began the drive to the hostel, I asked one of of the girls on the bus with us

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