Hi guys! This is Rachelle, I’ve been going to Capital Church for about 18 months and this is my first trip to Guatemala!
This trip has been mind-blowingly amazing! I’m not quite sure what all I expected coming into it, but I know it has been way better than I ever could have imagined. This team has been such a blessing to me, I am in awe of how well everyone has gotten along in such a small space and how everyone has been using their different gifts and skills to make a really fantastic team.
I personally have been very impacted this past week, especially yesterday during the home visits. I think it’s really easy to go on a mission trip with the mindset of “what will God do through me” instead of the mindset of “what will God do in me” and honestly, I feel like God has done way more in me than He has through me. While I really hope I have made an impact here, I know the impact that has been made in me is far more significant.
Ok, you’re probably tired of listening to me ramble about me myself and I, so onto what happened today—the FESTIVAL!!! This being my first year I really had no idea what it would be like, and let’s just say it was completely chaos. We have ten team members, and eight games… and at least one person was manning the camera the whole time, plus three of us had to speak at different points and four people played some songs towards the end. Honestly though, even with all the craziness, it was so cool to see. I don’t really have any frame of reference as this is my first year, but I think given how small of a team we have, we totally crushed it.
I was really surprised with how many people were there playing the games, and what a huge variety of people there were. We had everyone from little kiddos who needed to be held to reach the games, to teenagers, to adults, and even to grandparents. We got to see some of the sponsored kids that we went on home visits to yesterday and that was really neat. Everyone has a great time, everyone was smiling and laughing and there was always a line at every game.
We only have two more days before we fly home Saturday and I can’t believe how fast time has flown. I’m not excited to leave, but I am excited for a hot shower! I love and miss all of you back home <3.
By the way, thanks mom and dad for being so supportive and always commenting, and also not commenting anything too embarrassing. We read comments every night and it’s been great to know you guys are so involved in my life even from so far away.
Thanks for sharing Rachelle. I’m so glad you were able to come on this trip. I know you’ve been a blessing.
Great job to all of you on the first of two festivals! It’s such a blessing to the community and a great way for the church to reach out to the community. I hope this year was a little less eventful with no flying glass and no videographers nearly plummeting to their death:)
Enjoy your last two full days with each other and with your Guatemalan friends. Praying for you guys.
It has been so great to follow the team and see how God has used you to bless the community! Thank you to the photographer and those who have shared their hearts – your words and pictures have touched and inspired us! We can’t wait to hear more when you return. Enjoy the rest of your trip and travel salfely home! God bless each of you – sending our love!
I’ve been waiting to hear from you! I am so grateful to God and so proud of you, Rachelle! (You know when Dad reads the comment about “not commenting anything too embarrassing” he is going to take up the challenge!)
The festival looks like a lot of fun! Praying God will use the seeds that were planted.
Sounds like quite an adventure!! Getting out of our comfort zones is so important and God teaches us so much when we do. I can’t wait to hear more about it when I see you in a couple weeks
I’ve been reading the daily posts and praying for you. Great to read your wonderful report. May these last 2 days be full of more great experiences!!
Doing God’s work and having fun, cant get any better than that. Keep it up.
Can’t wait to read Whatever corny comment your dad has-but more seriously, I am so happy you were able to go on this trip. Sounds like it could be the first of many! From the look of all the faces in those photos, everyone has benefiting from this trip.
I’m glad to hear that the Lord is using your time in Guatemala for growth. Your Eldest Hildy cousin went two years ago, on a very different sort of trip. Perhaps you can compare experiences sometime. Hugs.
Hello Guatemala team! I just had several pictures pop up in my Facebook feed from when I was on the same trip 3 years ago and then I saw all of your posts! So many great memories…the Church, Antiqua, the hard physical labor, and my favorite, the Festival (especially since it was on my birthday and I was queen for a day!! Haha!) I sure do miss you guys and I’m praying that God continues to work in you and through you for the remainder of your trip! God Bless!
What an incredible opportunity to be God’s hands and feet! It sounds like God will work this in you and in the Guatamalen people for years and years to come. :-)
And another successful festival for you all! I can’t imagine how chaotic & yet how amazing these festivals are! Seeing all those smiling faces, both their’s & your’s, are such a special thing to see each year! I am grateful you were able to serve the Guatemala people in this way, one more time! Ministering to their physical, spiritual needs, as well as their need to have some fun! What a joy!