Wow, it was a busy day, we saw over a 170 patients. It was hopping, everywhere, Dental was cranking them through, we probably helped a few dozen people improve their vision with some glasses, and of course we filled hundreds of meds. Pharmacy was “ all hands on deck” as Jenni says. We were teaching in pharmacy and had 2 more teaching meds out on the playground. When we arrived at the school this morning, there was already a pretty good line waiting outside. And after we started clinic we learned some of these people had been waiting in line since 2 am. We saw many families today. One family, an elderly couple with their adult boys drove 2 ½ hours to come to our clinic today to be seen. Some of these people had come before the sun came up and were leaving as the sun was going down. Never a complaint was heard, only “ Thank you” and “God bless you” came from their mouths. They had to be exhausted and hungry after being at our clinic all day some with 4 or 5 kids, but they left with smiles, hugs and so much gratitude for everything our team had done. It’s amazing to see and really humbles me. Our interpreters have been amazing, we couldn’t do this without them and they stepped up to help us out in more ways than just translating! They love their people and want to help in any way. Tono, who is the pastor here currently has a friend at church that he has brought for us to help. He is so kind and loving to this man and has gone out of his way to make sure his friend was able to get the care he needed. He is a true example of Christ like love. It really makes me think of all we are blessed with, it makes me think. Do I have the attitude of gratitude these people have? How can I be more gracious and kind? How can I show more love? What can I do at home to serve my family, friends, those I don’t know but are in need? This place make me want to be better, to try harder in so many ways to serve others and to love everyone. We are all sons and daughters of a heavenly father who loves each one of us dearly, and equally. No one more than another. Wow it was a busy day, but so rewarding and fulfilling. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve these beautiful people, I love them, and to serve along side all these amazing individuals that make up this team! God has a plan for each of us and I’m grateful he allowed this to be part of his plan for me!
Ella Higginson, 1862 – 1940
“Lord God, the winter has been sweet and brief
In this fair land;
For us the budded willow and the leaf,
The peaceful strand.
For us the silver nights and golden days,
The violet mist;
The pearly clouds pierced with vibrating rays
Of amethyst.
At evening, every wave of our blue sea
Hollowed to hold
A fragment of the sunset’s mystery—
A fleck of gold.
The crimson haze is on the alder trees
In places lush;
Already sings with sweet and lyric ease
The western thrush.
Lord God, for some of us the days and years
Have bitter been;
For some of us the burden and the tears,
The gnawing sin.
For some of us, O God, the scanty store,
The failing bin;
For some of us the gray wolf at the door,
The red, within!
But to the hungry Thou hast given meat,
Hast clothed the cold;
And Thou hast given courage strong and sweet
To the sad and old.
And so we thank Thee, Thou most tender God,
For the leaf and flower;
For the tempered winds, and quickening, velvet sod,
And the gracious shower.
Yea, generous God, we thank Thee for this land
Where all are fed,
Where at the doors no freezing beggars stand,
Pleading for bread.“
Melinda and team, thank you for your compassionate work in God’s service. Praying for a safe return home.
Melinda, you are AWESOME!!!! I love hearing about your experience there with the wonderful people of Guatemala! You make me feel so envious to be there and have that same experience too! You are a faithful example of Christ-like love and kindness! I am certain that they felt your love for them just as you felt their gratitude and thankfulness for you. Thank you for your example of service – you are an amazing wife, mother, and nurse!!!!
I love you!
Oh my goodness the trip is coming to an end, I am so glad to hear that this trip has been a successful one! Dad and Zac I love and miss you so much, and you too Vicki! I honestly just miss everyone! The house is still intact dad don’t you worry :) I hope you all have a safe flight home!
Great job everyone on all of your hard work this week! Thank you for giving your time, skills and resources for the sake of Christ. After a day like today, I’m sure you all feel like that girl sleeping on the chair in the picture. Jenni we love you and can’t wait for you to come home!
Thank you for writing such wonderful words, Melinda. May we all use your experience to grow closer to God and let Him grow the fruits He desires in us for His glory and His good pleasure.
Thank you for the pictures, wow, the church looks great!!
Thanks for sharing about your experiences and the pictures. I’ve been praying for all of you guys. It really makes me miss Guatemala and it is good to think about how the people there have such contentment no matter their situation. It definitely is convicting. Hope you all had a safe flight home!