From Andre:
As is the norm it has been a busy trip. Travel all day on Wednesday, long clinic days (leave around 7:15 am and get home around 8 pm) Thursday – Saturday. So, I was looking forward to a restful Sabbath on Sunday. That was until multiple members of the team got sick with a GI illness – I will let you fill in the details. One of the team members who was unfortunately ill was our host and driver. The opportunity to experience Guatemalan life in a new way presented itself. I got to drive one of the team vans. Yikes!! Needless to say, the driving here chaotic. Motorcycles passing in narrow gaps on either side of the vehicle, passing Chicken Buses and pedestrians on narrow roads, confusing roads winding through Antigua (I miss the Salt Lake grid).
The team and the van all survived, and it was worth it! A chance to see the new clinic being built was fun to see – it is no longer a field of cabbage. Visiting La Iglesia Nueva Vida church was moving. I am always blessed by the worship at the churches in Guatemala and the message delivered. But the young 4 year old boy helping lead the worship demonstrated a new level of passion that was inspiring. It is days like this that keep us coming back every summer.
Blessings to you all from Guatemala.
From Maggie:
Hello from Guatemala! I am writing to you from the roof of the beautiful guest house, hoping to see some lava in the night. Everyday has been an adventure but today was an adventure of its own. What an honor it was to go see the land of which the new clinic is being built on. We got to pray over the land and for all the patients that will soon enter. What a beautiful sight to see! On the bus ride I heard so many stories of what God has done for Healing nations, providing the school that the clinic is currently in and how he has provided this land right when hope was almost lost. He brings hope! I got to experience a Guatemalan church service led by a passionate pastor. The little boy on the guitar was praising the lord with all he had and made everyone smile. I also got to experience ziplining where I could hang upside down and see the volcanos in a new perspective. This country is beautifully different, and I love every second I get to be here!
Praying that everyone recovers quickly.