Building Bridges
Today was a day about building bridges. This was the first day to meet our Haitian families. At the beginning, there were some awkward moments and fear of the unknown. Fortunately, one of our team members lead the way and broke the ice between cultures with her gift of humor and boldness. By the end of the afternoon, we had broken bread and laughed together. We now have a better understanding of each other, but realize we have only started building our bridge.
We found that the land was not prepared fully for planting and needed to be plowed one more time. In Haiti, coordinating something like this is not trivial. We were left wondering when this would be completed since it had been months since the initial plowing had been done. As we wondered what to do, God stepped in to solve our problem without us even asking, when the man hired to plow the field drove by on his tractor! He was flagged down and will finish the plowing tomorrow. This shows God gives us what we need before we even ask. He is the provider for the Haitian people, not us. Bless Go Bless is only an intercessory used to fulfill His plan. In Haiti, we could not have coordinated getting the tractor so quickly on our own.
The day wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. The enemy made attacks on our team dynamic today. But, we know that God is greater and where there is light there can’t be darkness. Because love is the light the enemy didn’t win today. Through the power of prayer, we overcame the lies conjured up to affect our unity. We will be renewed tomorrow. And we will fight another day for God’s glory.
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