About Suzy.wiebe

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So far Suzy.wiebe has created 21 blog entries.

My strength comes from God


Today we began a new project in the mountains of Patizcia.   As we traveled to our destination, the landscape began to open. Often when traveling through the city streets, your view is obscured by the walls and gates of the city. As we drove further the hills and countryside revealed themselves. The beauty of

My strength comes from God2023-06-17T21:57:55-06:00

Service and Kids


Kelly: The team went to the house we have been working on the first thing in the morning. Fernando’s family had taken down part of the old house prior to our arrival.  This really opened up the space and we could see the bigger picture for the overall project. The team broke off into

Service and Kids2023-06-16T20:58:58-06:00

Gratitude and Service


James and Itylee The entire team arrived early and worked together this morning to make a large dent in the completion of the house building project. Much progress was made working as a team. We still took our coca and snack break, which is Fernando’s way of reminding us to see the larger picture

Gratitude and Service2023-06-15T19:24:44-06:00

Teamwork makes the van work


Carlie Hola, from Guatemala! Feliz Miercoles! (Happy Wednesday). Today was a gift. The opportunity to serve presents itself in so many forms. It can be found in medial task like washing carrots, stacking cinder blocks, or even stirring cement. Relationships with people and with God grow with every chop of a knife and every

Teamwork makes the van work2023-06-14T20:56:29-06:00

Day 1


Dawn:  We woke up to bedrooms which had cooled off overnight from a nice breeze and the help of some very loud fans.  Then we discovered a rooftop balcony with views of the 4 volcanos around us;  Pacaya, Agua, Fuego, Acatenango.  The air was thick with moisture, and the mountains were visible as though

Day 12023-06-13T20:24:42-06:00

Acts of Love


The last day of Truth Centered Transformation training for our sponsored families and the leadership of the Paulette and Tru de Nord churches is in the books.  The topics of the day were the churches role in making known the wisdom of God and performing acts of love in the community.   Eli and Jenny

Acts of Love2018-02-17T15:16:33-06:00

A Great Day


Our post isn’t as exciting as others. We mostly just held adorable babies all day. Today the children learned about the Armor of God. We talked about the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Helmet of Salvation, Shield of Faith, Sword of the Spirit, and the Boots of Peace. The children also had fun

A Great Day2018-02-16T07:29:04-06:00

Love is in the air


Today is Valentine’s Day…back at home and here in Haiti.  Our day was not filled with candy, flowers, and all the hallmark versions of how we normally spend celebrating Valentine’s day but rather it was a day truly filled with an authentic experience of love.  Today was our second full day in Haiti.  Of

Love is in the air2018-02-15T09:06:40-06:00
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