About Corey.duncan

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So far Corey.duncan has created 46 blog entries.

Groundbreaking Ceremony


Post by Jarah Hello everyone! After 3 wonderful days at the medical outreach, the team enjoyed some time to rest and explore today. It was a beautiful day in Antigua - we sipped coffee, sampled chocolate, shopped at the artisan markets, ate a delicious lunch, and had fun getting a bit lost in the

Groundbreaking Ceremony2023-01-29T22:30:41-06:00

Connecting With Friends – Old and New


Katie and Ray here – we’re writing to you from medical outreach day 3. Today has been the most beautiful and sunny Saturday here in Guatemala you could ever imagine. This is our third trip with Healing Nations in Guatemala and each trip seems to bring more wisdom and more friends. We remember coming

Connecting With Friends – Old and New2023-01-28T22:31:29-06:00

God Is Working!


Post by Cait Hi Everyone! Outreach Day 2 is completed!! I have been conducting the socio-economic survey for our patients this trip. We are asking questions about their home life – whether they have enough food, access to clean water, the construction of their homes, and their financial status. Yesterday, we had quite a

God Is Working!2023-01-27T22:38:17-06:00

A Day Full of Gratitude


Such a great first day of clinic! It never ceases to amaze me to watch the body of Christ come together to serve these communities with the love of Jesus. Thank you for praying for us! We know God has been faithful to answer. Post by Stephanie I am always excited about opportunities to

A Day Full of Gratitude2023-01-26T22:38:14-06:00

Last Day of Clinic!


Today was our last day of clinic and it has been such a joy to serve the community of Membrillal this week alongside our Guatemalan friends. Including our medical team, we had 65 people working together to serve this community throughout the week. It was such a beautiful display of the body of Christ

Last Day of Clinic!2022-02-01T23:23:36-06:00

Clinic Day 4


From Sherri: Here we are nearing the end of our clinic days already! Today was our last full day with these wonderful people, and it was a long, full day ending with a cool, damp fog. Even though the days have been long, the time has passed by so quickly. How exciting it has

Clinic Day 42022-01-31T22:38:53-06:00

A Day of Rest


From Randy: I have been coming to Guatemala on this medical mission trip the past 6 or 7 years. At first I must admit it was scary – not having any lab or imaging devices to help with making diagnoses, but I now feel in my comfort zone here. Diagnoses are based on history

A Day of Rest2022-01-30T22:23:04-06:00

Clinic Day 3


From Laurie: We hit the ground running on a COLD day today!  It even rained a bit this morning.  Nothing can dampen this group’s spirits.  We met for devotions in the game court and Dan restrained himself from hitting the netting above our heads which was coated with water droplets.  I congratulated him on

Clinic Day 32022-01-29T22:41:34-06:00

Clinic Day 2


From Sharon: I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.  I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.  Psalms 9: 1-2 What a wonderful God we serve!  We have so much

Clinic Day 22022-01-28T22:12:47-06:00

Clinic Day 5


From Dana: “Today was a wonderful day at clinic! We saw 105 patients. It was a long day though, so I can’t ask anyone to write the blog and then expect them to speak to me tomorrow! So, here is my update. A girl came to the clinic who was dehydrated and because of

Clinic Day 52021-07-26T22:41:41-06:00
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